Pinpoint fair play

and rejoice in the success of others!


5 throws per player - Highest score wins!

Throw outside the table or with hand over the table gives a minimum score of 5 points.

At the Swedish Championships in Pinpoint, 20 throws per player apply.
In addition to the above rules, there are also several educational, playful and active game concepts for Pinpoint - see below!

Welcome to the world of fun games!

Educational game concepts

More educational game concepts

Active game concepts

Technical specifications

A game for public environments

Width 116 cm
Length 240 cm
Height from 50 to 120 cm
Weight 140 kg

Age group: 2 - 120 years
Space approx. 5 m2
Warranty 5 years
Includes 60 balls
Country of manufacture: Sweden
Shipping: worldwide

Use: indoors and outdoors
Installation: asphalt, concrete, wood, lawn, sand, rubber tiles etc.

Made in Sweden
Readymade Pinpoint AB / Berghems Mekaniska AB
Stema Specialtryck AB/ Demex Coating AB