Pinpoint fair play
and rejoice in the success of others!

5 throws per player - Highest score wins!
Throw outside the table or with hand over the table gives a minimum score of 5 points.
At the Swedish Championships in Pinpoint, 20 throws per player apply.
In addition to the above rules, there are also several educational, playful and active game concepts for Pinpoint - see below!

Welcome to the world of fun games!
Pinpoint Memory consists of 10 magnetic stickers that are placed on the playing surface. Winning makes the one who collects the most pairs!
Each player throws 2 balls per round and may turn over 2 cards belonging to the scoring baskets into which the player's balls fall.
The winner is the player who collects the most pairs.
Pinpoint Diamond is a playful game where you have to throw your balls and turn up and become the owner of the 2 diamonds hiding under the 15 magnetic stickers on the playing surface.
The games included in the pentathlon are "Pinpoint" - "Pinpoint Plus" - "Pinpoint Double or Nothing" - "Pinpoint First to 100" - "Pinpoint Lock-in".
The recommended number of participants is 2-6.
Pinpoint Thief & Police is a classic game concept. After 10 ball tosses per player, it's clear whether the thief or the cop is the winner!
With 2 players, the role distribution is one thief / one policeman. In case of 3 players 2 thieves / 1 policeman.
Each player plays with their own ball color.
The thief throws a ball and the police officer's task is to "chase" the thief's ball by hitting the same score basket. If the police officer succeeds in his mission, the thief loses the points associated with the scoring basket, while the police officer gets to count these points and leave his ball in the scoring basket.
If a thief hits the ball basket where the policeman has a ball, it does not give any points to the thief.
If the policeman hits a ball basket that does not have a thief ball, the policeman may not "occupy" this ball basket and he does not get any points for this throw.
The 100-hole is a special hole and does not give any points. However, the police have certain powers when hitting the 100 hole. Their ball turns into a "Pacman" and has the right to devour balls in any direction. This does not give the police any extra points, but the police have the option of capturing the thief's score. If a thief hits the 100-hole, the thief has protection from the Pacman. The winner is the one with the most points after 10 ball throws!
"Double or nothing" is played in 5 game rounds where each game round is defined as a "Double or nothing" where the player can choose to stop or continue.
A game must start with a score of 5, 10 or 25 points. The player can then choose to collect these points by finishing the game round or by continuing to hit a higher score than the one the player received in their first throw. If the player fails, they lose all their points in the current game round.
Players should each have a different color ball. Leave the balls in the game's scoring baskets to total the 5 rounds.
The 'First to 100' game involves players hitting all the scoring holes in ascending order - first 5 points, then 10, then 25, then 50, 75 and finally the 100 hole. Whoever first hits the 100th hole has won the game.
It is enough for the player to hit a denomination to move on to the next denomination.
The game is best played with one ball color per player. If a player hits the correct denomination, this player may continue throwing. If the correct denomination is missed, the turn passes to the next player.
"Pinpoint Lock in" is all about putting a spanner in the works of your opponent and unlocking/seizing as many pinpoint holes as possible.
Player number one throws a ball and now let's say this ball hits one of the 25-pointers. The player now occupies/locks this points basket, which means that the other players no longer have the opportunity to score with a corresponding ball throw.
The only way to score is now to hit and "lock" another scoring hole or to hit the hundred hole, which gives the player the opportunity to remove any ball of the opponent.
The winner is the one who has the highest score when all the scoring baskets are occupied/locked.
'Pinpoint Plus' and 'Pinpoint Minus' are based on the principle of going even on a given number.
In Pinpoint Plus, the aim is to break even on 310 points. Players start from zero points and each throw a ball in turn (each player has their own ball color to keep track of the score and make it easier to add up the player's points). If a player passes 310, the player may start from 0 again.
The corresponding rules apply to Pinpoint Minus (which trains subtraction instead of addition) where players start at 310 points with the goal of going out evenly at 0.
Educational game concepts
The game concept "Mathematics Plus" is a dynamic game concept. Your ball rolls create a large number of combinations of numbers and arrangements.
The level of difficulty of the game is determined by the number of ball throws per round.
The game can be played with for example 4 ball throws per player. Once the player has thrown their 4 balls, the player calculates their total score. The highest score wins.
Pinpoint Units is a game concept that aims to create familiarity with the "SI system of units" in terms of meters, kilograms, seconds, (amperes, kelvin, candela and moles).
The game consists of several magnetic strips and magnetic stickers to best explain the logic of the SI system. This game concept comes with a study material including facts and rules for different game modes.
Pinpoint Geometry offers a fun and effective way to learn 15 different geometric concepts and shapes.
The game consists of 15 magnetic stickers and a magnetic strip with 15 suggested answers. First, the participants decide on the number of balls/ball throw for the current round. Each player then throws their balls (with their own ball color) and if the player answers correctly to which geometric shape they hit, the player gets the points for the current ball throw. The Hundred Hole always gives a hundred points - without any counter-performance.
Pinpoint Kemi provides an insight into the periodic table. The game consists of 15 magnetic stickers with chemical designations and 15 answer options with names of elements.
First, the participants decide on the number of balls/ball throws for the current round. Each player then throws their balls (with their own ball color) and if the player answers correctly which chemical element they hit, the player is credited with the points earned by the current ball throw. The Hundred Hole always gives a hundred points - without any counter-performance.
Pinpoint Spell is a dynamic game in which the player forms words based on the letters they access through their ball tosses.
Above the score boxes for each ball throw, there are 4 letters from which the player may choose one letter per score box in which the player has a ball. The words are formed from left to right. The player chooses the length of the word he wants to create and gets credit for the points that the balls represent for the letters used. The 100-hole acts as a bonus hole with 100 extra points where the player can choose any letter for his word. Note that this letter must be placed in the 100-point basket in the word.
The game concept "Matematik Grund" is aimed at primary schools (including preschools) and after-school programs.
It mixes math, playfulness and excitement. First, the player calculates their ball toss points by adding and subtracting their points according to the top magnetic strip. Next, animal points are added up and then animal combination points! If you're extra lucky, you can even get double the total points by hitting the cup's score basket.
Connect religious concepts and symbols with our 5 world religions.
Pinpoint Religion consists of 100 magnetic stickers which are mixed and 15 of them are placed under the ball holes on the playing surface. The game also has a magnetic strip with the name of the "5 major world religions" which is placed on the playing surface - above the triangle. The stickers placed under the scoring holes are words/concepts and illustrations that can be linked to the 5 world religions.
Now it is important for the player to throw 1 ball and then be able to derive the image/concept to any of the 5 religions. The player receives points if the player links the right word/concept to the right religion.
Some words/concepts such as "The Ten Commandments" are applicable to more than one religion. We have highlighted this by giving the word/concept a yellow color which is meant to show this exciting relationship between our religions.
More educational game concepts
Pinpoint Watch is a game concept that visualizes the clock and how its time is printed / said differently in terms of daytime, and night time.
This is shown by different colors on the watch face.
The game concept consists of 15 magnetic stickers with time and a magnetic strip with 15 suggestions for answer options.
The game can be played with, for example, 3 throws per player where the player scores if the player guesses the right time. Scoring makes it easier if each player chooses their own color of their balls.
Pinpoint Flags raises interest in the countries of the world and their flags
A game round is played in such a way that the players first determine the number of balls/ball throws for the current game round. Each player then throws their balls (with their own ball color) and if the player responds correctly to which country they hit, the player is credited with the points that the current ball throw gives. The hundred hole always gives a hundred points – without quid pro quo.
Pinpoint Colors provides an introduction to the amazing world of colors
The game consists of a magnetic strip with 15 answer options and 15 stickers with color symbols. A game round is played in such a way that the players first decide on the number of balls/ball throws for the current game round. Each player then throws their balls (with their own ball color) and if the player answers correctly to which color they hit, the player is credited with the points that the current ball throw gives. The Hundred Hole always gives a hundred points - without any counter-performance.
Active game concepts
Pinpoint Combino consists of 100 mission cards which are shuffled and of which 15 are placed upside down on the playing surface - 1 under each scoring hole. The 100-point hole must not have a mission card.
Now the player throws 1 ball and turns over 1 card. On the cards there is either a riddle to be answered, a movement task or a knowledge question.
A Combination game is played in 5 rounds and the winner is the one who collects the most points. When hitting the 100-hole, the player may choose to turn any mission card on the playing surface.
Pinpoint Charad is, as the name suggests, a game concept where participants should design words, concepts, sentences with different levels of difficulty.
The game is very suitable for team play for both children and adults.
The game consists of shuffled playing cards, 15 of which are placed on the playing surface under each scoring hole, with the mission face down.
The player/team throws a ball and turns up and reads on the card what to portray. For example, it might say:
- "The robot cycles and brushes its front tooth"
- "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"
- "I play the drums"
- "Monkey"
The fact that there are different levels of difficulty on the missions gives the game a greater dynamic!
The following communication may be used:
- The length of the phrase (number of words) may be orally stated by the person performing the charade
- Thumbs up marks a correct word in a phrase
- By pointing, the 'charade practitioner' can indicate which word in the phrase is correct.
- Indicate whether your team is on the right track by signaling appropriately wordlessly, for example by nodding.
Each team has a maximum of 2 minutes to figure out what their teammate is trying to portray.
If they complete the task, they get to keep the points for their ball throw. The appropriate game format is 5 to 10 rounds.
"Pinpoint Throw" is a game concept that focuses on the actual throwing of the game's balls. The rules of the game are simple and stipulate that each player must throw their ball in a unique way - in order to be entitled to count the points of the throw. Some examples of throws are:
- Throw 2 meters from the table
- Throwing under the leg
- Throw sitting on squat
- Caste with blindfolded eyes
- Throw behind your back
- Throws from the wrong side of the table, or from the long side
- Kick off ball instead of throw
- Throw with your left hand, etc.
Practicing unfamiliar moves/throws is a fun challenge that will make you laugh.
For example, a game can include 5 rounds of play after which the points are totaled. The winner is the one who gets the highest score on their 5 ball throws.
Technical specifications

A game for public environments
Width 116 cm
Length 240 cm
Height from 50 to 120 cm
Weight 140 kg
Age group: 2 - 120 years
Space approx. 5 m2
Warranty 5 years
Includes 60 balls
Country of manufacture: Sweden
Shipping: worldwide
Use: indoors and outdoors
Installation: asphalt, concrete, wood, lawn, sand, rubber tiles etc.
Made in Sweden
Readymade Pinpoint AB / Berghems Mekaniska AB
Stema Specialtryck AB/ Demex Coating AB