Pinpoint the flow
just like we do!

Why slow down the rate of invention?
We will continue to develop new games to keep up the excitement and attention for everyone who follows our playful journey, releasing two of them already in 2025.
Please welcome Pinpoint Pendulum & Pinpoint Battle in 2025!
2 long-awaited follow-up family members to Pinpoint Original. Games with the same DNA! Stay tuned!
We are grateful to our founder and inventor Robert Lapidus for his creativity and spot-on feeling for gaming and fun. Keep on keeping up the pace!

European Tour
Preparations are in full swing for the Pinpoint European Tour. We will visit a variety of activities such as schools, hotels, campsites, cafes etc.

SM in pinpoint 2025
Readymade Pinpoint AB invites you to
SM i Pinpoint 2025 .
Registration will be open from June 25.
The Nordic Hotel Championships take place in late November. See you there!

200 games in a unique series
We are now producing a unique numbered series of 200 Pinpoint games. Color themes are Street, Posh, Casino and Retro.
The games are marked with a metal tag on the underside of the playing surface, giving these 200 games a unique status as collectors' items.

Pinpoint's skills panel
Our competence panel is now ready to meet your organization and work on our three focus areas of friends, movement, knowledge. We have representatives from a number of different professions such as special educators, behaviorists, teachers, principals. In the spring, we are once again back at the Science Festival in Gothenburg to introduce our educational concept "Pinpoint Project".

Health equity
We in the Pinpoint family are praised by the talented boxer Markus Lövberg from Skåne! - a merited and prominent athlete who strikes a blow for our new games! Markus is an elite boxer. He has several Swedish and international tournaments on his record.
Readymade Pinpoint AB is proud of the cooperation with Markus Lövberg and we wish him all the best in his future boxing career!
This is how Markus describes our new game:
"Pinpoint is unique because it is accessible to everyone, both young and old. Even people with disabilities can play and compete in Pinpoint, which I appreciate as a sportsman.

Generation PEP
Readymade Pinpoint AB supports Generation PEP's commitment to movement and health issues. Thank you for your great work and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your organization!

Pinpoint Competence Panel
Pinpoint competence panel gathers knowledge and experience from several different professions. The panel works with the following areas:
Development of new game concepts
Pinpoint Project Implementation Support
Sounding board for npf issues
Ambassadorship for Pinpoint
Networks and external collaborations
If you are interested in participating in our competence panel, you are welcome to fill out an application.
SM in Pinpoint
Soon it's time for our annual SM game in Pinpoint!
Sm takes place in several locations around Sweden and is arranged together with our super ambassadors at schools, LSS accommodation, playgrounds and more.
SM is free and all ages play in the same class!
Once you have signed up for sm, we will send you an invitation with information about this year's SM games.
Pinpoint Community
Become part of our Community!
Super Ambassador
Junior Ambassador
Hosting sm
Entrance ticket to Gothia Towers Pinpoint Event
Free judge course etc.
Welcome to contact us and apply for membership in the Pinpoint Community.